Students study full time mixed mode of delivery that integrates:
- 20 Hours per week is offered face to face in the classroom lead by the trainer
- Using the Online Learning Management System as a portal in the classroom if appropriate or other materials, the trainer will teach the unit and deepen the student’s knowledge of the unit of competency through a range of teaching and learning methods and extra resources.
Practical Sessions
For practical classes, students will undertake training and assessment in a commercial kitchen. For other hospitality units, students will participate in simulated hospitality settings. These sessions provide an environment for students to work on practical learning for each unit. This is done under the guidance of the trainer. Practical activities scenarios and role plays are provided in classes no bigger than 20 students. Students are encouraged to support each other in pairs and small groups. Kitchens are fully equipped with large and small commercial equipment. Some units require more practical skills than others.
A complete, clean laundered and ironed uniform and correct footwear must be worn at all times while attending practical class. The uniform and Starter toolkit for practical kitchens will be provided by the College.
Students are required to complete the following
Students are required to complete a total 48 service periods for this course.